Preorder canceled

I’m sure some of you noticed that the preorder for Fantastical at Fifty was canceled. I’ve decided to postpone releasing the Little Bold Ladies series. Ideally, they’ll all be finished before any of them are released. 

Why is Little Bold Ladies being postponed?

I want to be able to do the stories justice and not put out something too quickly that doesn’t feel finished. Unfortunately, it seems like whenever I try to rush myself, I end up completely unable to write a thing! It’s a bummer, and I realize some of you will be disappointed. However, I would rather disappoint by taking longer to do something than doing it poorly. Your dollars matter, and I don’t want to deliver a product that’s half-baked. 

What are you writing for now? 

Instead of rushing to finish the books, I’ll be working on a few short stories connected to the series in the hopes of getting those creative juices flowing. I’m also going to be investing in some serious self-care. 

It can be really hard for me to connect with my feminine side, and that is a MUST for this series. These witches are old, but not haggard. They’re secure in themselves and facing a whole new world of problems. I need to really connect with that part of myself if I’m going to be able to tell their stories. That’s hard when your brain is convinced you’re still 14. Haha! 

Where can we find your new paranormal cozy mystery and paranormal women’s fiction stories? 

Some of them will be free on this website, while others will be available through StoryOrigin or for sale on various retailers. I’ll be sure to send out a release announcement on social media and in my newsletter. 

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